




Admob code cant see on device.

i followed the instructions here:

everything ok, but the 6. not clear for me

"Step 6 When integrating AdMob ads into your application it is recommended to use test mode. In test mode test, ads are always returned. Test mode is enabled on a per-device basis. To enable test mode for a device, first request an ad, then look in LogCat for a line like the following: To get test ads on the emulator use AdManager.setTestDevices... Once you have the device ID you can enable test mode by calling AdManager.setTestDevices: AdManager.setTestDevices( new String[] { AdManager.TEST_EMULATOR, // Android emulator "E83D20734F72FB3108F104ABC0FFC738", // My T-Mobile G1 Test Phone } ); }"

what is that long number on the code? how i get that number?

in the oncreate method i put this code:

AdManager.setTestDevices(new String[] { AdManager.TEST_EMULATOR } );

(into the help activity, not into the main activity)


Step 6 is only to get the ads to show up in the emulator. They should still show up on the phone if you have done the other steps correctly.

I haven't ever done step six but it looks like you need to get your device id using the following function,

Be sure to remove this when you want to publish though, if it's still in there you wont be making any money.

Hope that helps

how i can use real ads? not the test ads?
I believe you just have to comment out the stuff you added from step 6 before you publish your app. The test ads are for you to test it out without incurring some unauthorized activity on your account.
+1  A: 

Open the LogCat window, start app in the emulator. Then the number appear in that window
