I have a number of 'items' (mc's) contained in a scrolling mc that can be drag-dropped to other matching mc's. The items names are listed in an array and I wish to assign variables of suitability and feedback to each mc from the array also. I think this is called an associative array?
Having some trouble correctly referencing the items from the array. To explain, here's a working script with a simple array and an inefficient workaround:
var itemArray:Array = new Array("ball","box","hex"); //only a few items in this prototype
scrollitems.ball.ifeedback = "Woo... hoo...";
scrollitems.box.ifeedback = "Great!";
scrollitems.hex.ifeedback = "Oops!";
scrollitems.ball.isuitable = true;
scrollitems.box.isuitable = true;
scrollitems.hex.isuitable = false;
for (var i:int=0; i<itemArray.length; i++)
var itemname:String = String(itemArray[i]);
var curritem:MovieClip = MovieClip(scrollitems.getChildByName(itemname));
if (curritem != null)
curritem.startX = curritem.x;
curritem.startY = curritem.y;
curritem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
curritem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
curritem.buttonMode = true;
Here's a potentially better script using an associative array, but its not working as per CAP comments...
var itemArray:Array = new Array[{iname:"ball",isuitable:true,ifeedback:"Well done!"},
for (var i:int=0; i<itemArray.length; i++)
var itemname:String = String(itemArray[i].iname); // THIS DOESNT WORK - ITEMNAME IS A STRING BUT CANT ASSIGN INAME TO THIS STRING??
var curritem:MovieClip = MovieClip(scrollitems.getChildByName(itemname));
if (curritem != null)
curritem.startX = curritem.x;
curritem.startY = curritem.y;
curritem.isuitable= curritem.isuitable; //NOT WORKING - HOW TO ASSIGN THIS??
curritem.ifeedback = curritem.ifeedback; // NOT WORKING - HOW TO ASSIGN THIS??
curritem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
curritem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
curritem.buttonMode = true;
Any suggestions for the AS3 newbie?