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first off:

$submitted_amount = (isset($_POST['submitted_amount'])) ? true : false;

shouldn't this be the value of submitted_amount? it will only ever be true or false.

quick fix would be to change true to $_POST['submitted_amount'], however you'll be leaving yourself wide open to SQL injection unless you add some variable checking somewhere in there.

Well, phpBB uses request_var('value_to_send', '');. But my problem is I cannot store the value from my template to the database.With some easy steps to explain, this is what I want to do:1. in the text field the user enters a value2. The user hits "Submit" to submit the value in the text field3. That value gets stored/saved in the database, in the table and column of my choice.
what's happening with the current code? giving an error? not getting the right value in your database?