



Which is the biggest Java pain point for you ? the verbosity ? the getters & setters ? not expressive enough ? no first class functions ?


verbosity and lack of interactivity

Overall the language doesn't bug me: I can do pretty much anything I want, but it's just not expressive enough, so that many trivial things are annoying to write and that I'd rather prototype with something. I go for Java most of the time though, especially in enterprise.

Also, I have gotten used to be able to quickly edit a script and get things going and test interactively, which you cannot do as easily with Java.

That's why I go for Scala and Clojure now (I favor Scala because it is as expressive as Clojure - readibility is suggestive I guess - AND statically typed). Groovy could also be an option, but for some reason - and even though I used to be enthusiastic about it - I don't manage to get it burnt into my brain.

Similarly, for .NET languages, F# takes the pain away as well :)
