I want to push and pull things off of a stack in an atomic way using ruby and mongoDB.
The push I can do atomically via the following code example:
collection.update({"_id" => document["_id"]}, {"$push" => {field_name => value}})
Example code for pop:
value = collection.update({"_id" => document["_id"]}, {"$pop" => {field_name => -1}})
Unfortunately the value returned above is not the value that was 'popped' off the stack.
It seems like a very useful function/feature, and I find it hard to believe this isn't possible with mongoDB.
For the benefit of those looking for the complete answer, here it is (Thanks again Cameron):
result = collection.find_and_modify({:query => {"_id" => document["_id"]}, :update => {"$pop" => {field_name => -1}}})
return result[field_name][0]