



Hi all, I have a long history with relational databases, but I'm new to MongoDB and MapReduce, so I'm almost positive I must be doing something wrong. I'll jump right into the question. Sorry if it's long.

I have a database table in MySQL that tracks the number of member profile views for each day. For testing it has 10,000,000 rows.

CREATE TABLE `profile_views` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `day` date NOT NULL,
  `views` int(10) unsigned default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`,`day`),
  KEY `day` (`day`)

Typical data might look like this.

| id     | username | day        | hits |
| 650001 | Joe      | 2010-07-10 |    1 |
| 650002 | Jane     | 2010-07-10 |    2 |
| 650003 | Jack     | 2010-07-10 |    3 |
| 650004 | Jerry    | 2010-07-10 |    4 |

I use this query to get the top 5 most viewed profiles since 2010-07-16.

SELECT username, SUM(hits)
FROM profile_views
WHERE day > '2010-07-16'
GROUP BY username

This query completes in under a minute. Not bad!

Now moving onto the world of MongoDB. I setup a sharded environment using 3 servers. Servers M, S1, and S2. I used the following commands to set the rig up (Note: I've obscured the IP addys).

S1 =>
./mongod --fork --shardsvr --port 10000 --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log

S2 =>
./mongod --fork --shardsvr --port 10000 --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log

M =>
./mongod --fork --configsvr --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log
./mongos --fork --configdb --chunkSize 1 --logpath=/data/slog

Once those were up and running, I hopped on server M, and launched mongo. I issued the following commands:

use admin
db.runCommand( { addshard : "", name: "M1" } );
db.runCommand( { addshard : "", name: "M2" } );
db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "profiles" } );
db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "profiles.views", key : {day : 1} } );
use profiles
db.views.ensureIndex({ hits: -1 });

I then imported the same 10,000,000 rows from MySQL, which gave me documents that look like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("4cb8fc285582125055295600"),
    "username" : "Joe",
    "day" : "Fri May 21 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)",
    "hits" : 16

Now comes the real meat and potatoes here... My map and reduce functions. Back on server M in the shell I setup the query and execute it like this.

use profiles;
var start = new Date(2010, 7, 16);
var map = function() {
    emit(this.username, this.hits);
var reduce = function(key, values) {
    var sum = 0;
    for(var i in values) sum += values[i];
    return sum;
res = db.views.mapReduce(
        query : { day: { $gt: start }}

And here's were I run into problems. This query took over 15 minutes to complete! The MySQL query took under a minute. Here's the output:

        "result" : "",
        "shardCounts" : {
                "" : {
                        "input" : 4917653,
                        "emit" : 4917653,
                        "output" : 1105648
                "" : {
                        "input" : 5082347,
                        "emit" : 5082347,
                        "output" : 1150547
        "counts" : {
                "emit" : NumberLong(10000000),
                "input" : NumberLong(10000000),
                "output" : NumberLong(2256195)
        "ok" : 1,
        "timeMillis" : 811207,
        "timing" : {
                "shards" : 651467,
                "final" : 159740

Not only did it take forever to run, but the results don't even seem to be corrent.

db[res.result].find().sort({ hits: -1 }).limit(5);
{ "_id" : "Joe", "value" : 128 }
{ "_id" : "Jane", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jerry", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jack", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jessy", "value" : 3 }

I know those value numbers should be much higher.

My understanding of the whole MapReduce paradigm is the task of performing this query should be split between all shard members, which should increase performance. I waited till Mongo was done distributing the documents between the two shard servers after the import. Each had almost exactly 5,000,000 documents when I started this query.

So I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me any pointers?

Edit: Someone on IRC mentioned adding an index on the day field, but as far as I can tell that was done automatically by MongoDB.

+1  A: 

You are not doing anything wrong. (Besides sorting on the wrong value as you already noticed in your comments.)

MongoDB map/reduce performance just isn't that great. This is a known issue; see for example where a naive approach is ~350x faster than M/R.

One advantage though is that you can specify a permanent output collection name with the out argument of the mapReduce call. Once the M/R is completed the temporary collection will be renamed to the permanent name atomically. That way you can schedule your statistics updates and query the M/R output collection real-time.

Thanks for the response. I'm going to leave the question unanswered for just a bit longer to see if anyone else has some input. This is really disappointing though. I wonder where the bottle neck is? Perhaps because MongoDB is single threaded, so the server coordinating all the shards can only go so fast? I'm also curious about the results. It appears all 10 million docs where mapped, when most should have been excluded by the query.
@mellowsoon:Verify your query by doing a count on the collection with the same arguments (and remember that the month for a JS Date object is zero-based indexed).
@mischa_u - Thanks, I'm doing that now. I've done a complete fresh install of Mongo on the 3 servers, and I'm importing the data now. Once that's done, I'll look at how the data is distributed between the shards, and pick a date range that should put half the matching docs on each shard.
Just wanted to add a P.S.: WTF on months starting on zero?!

You can also export the data to an rdbms like mysql and do a grouo by in mysql. That is probably faster, exporting takes time but it is probably still faster.

He just exported the data from an RDBMS into Mongo for testing. Clearly that's going the wrong way.
Gates VP
@Gated VP: Why, you can use MongoDB for oltp and the rdbms for analytics. See also: One of the ideas of the nosql movement is to end the one database fits all thinking.
So it makes sense to use two db's simultaneously.
+3  A: 

excerpts from MongoDB Definitive Guide from O'Reilly:

The price of using MapReduce is speed: group is not particularly speedy, but MapReduce is slower and is not supposed to be used in “real time.” You run MapReduce as a background job, it creates a collection of results, and then you can query that collection in real time.

options for map/reduce:
"keeptemp" : boolean 
If the temporary result collection should be saved when the connection is closed. 
"output" : string 
Name for the output collection. Setting this option implies keeptemp : true. 
I think I misunderstood the purpose of MapReduce. I thought it was used to process a large amount of data faster than alternatives. I think I see now that it's more about the ability to process **huge** amounts of data that would otherwise be impossible to process on a single machine, and speed isn't a factor.
@mellowsoon, of course the purpose of mapreduce is to process a large or huge amount of data fast. It is just MongoDB's implementation that isn't very fast.
@TTT - Thank you! Right now I'm thinking mongodb is still the right choice for the type of data we're trying to save, but it looks like I might have to use some other mapreduce technologies to actually crunch the data.