I know about map/reduce alghoritm and its use. It's using functions that are called Mappers and Reducers, but I also find people use the word Filters.
Are Filters same as Mappers or is there some significant difference?
I know about map/reduce alghoritm and its use. It's using functions that are called Mappers and Reducers, but I also find people use the word Filters.
Are Filters same as Mappers or is there some significant difference?
Filter takes a "list" and a function, applies the function to every member of the list and returns a new list containing only members where the application of the function returned true. For instance:
l = [1,2,3,4]
l = filter(lambda x: x < 3, l)
print l # [1,2]
Map does the same thing, but returns a list containing the results of the function application:
l = [1,2,3,4]
l = map(lambda x: x < 3, l)
print l # [True,True,False,False]
A filter determines if an item should be kept or removed. A mapper just translates the value in to another. As a consequence: The output set of a map operation is always equal in size with the input set. The output on a filter operation is smaller than the input set.
Generally, map functions take an input set and a function, and returns a set containing the function output for each input element. A filter takes an input set and a boolean function, and returns a set containing the input values for which the function returns true.