
Mappers, Reducers, FIlters

I know about map/reduce alghoritm and its use. It's using functions that are called Mappers and Reducers, but I also find people use the word Filters. Are Filters same as Mappers or is there some significant difference? ...

Amazon MapReduce no reducer job

Hi. I am trying to create a mapper only job via AWS (a streaming job). The reducer field is required, so I am giving a dummy executable, and adding -jobconf to the Extra Args box. In the hadoop environment (version 0.20) I've installed, no reducer jobs will launch, but in AWS the dummy executable launches and fails. ...

how to find the id of each map task?

Hello I want to get the id of each mapper and reducer task because I want to tag the output of these mappers and reducers according to the mapper and reducer id. How can I retrieve the ids of each? Thanks ...