hello there i was wondering if it was possible to connect to a http host (I.e. for example google.com) and download the source of the webpage?
Thanks in advance.
hello there i was wondering if it was possible to connect to a http host (I.e. for example google.com) and download the source of the webpage?
Thanks in advance.
you can use urllib2 module.
import urllib2
page =urllib2.urlopen(url)
print data
see the doc for more examples
Using urllib2 to download a page.
Google will block this request as it will try to block all robots. Add user-agent to the request.
import urllib2
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3'
headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
req = urllib2.Request('http://www.google.com', None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
page = response.read()
You can also use pyCurl
import sys
import pycurl
class ContentCallback:
def __init__(self):
self.contents = ''
def content_callback(self, buf):
self.contents = self.contents + buf
t = ContentCallback()
curlObj = pycurl.Curl()
curlObj.setopt(curlObj.URL, 'http://www.google.com')
curlObj.setopt(curlObj.WRITEFUNCTION, t.content_callback)
print t.contents