



Hi. I have to implement Priority Queue using MultiMap. I use MultiMap from Google Collections. The following code creates a MultiMap and adds few elements into it.

    Multimap<Integer, String> multimap = HashMultimap.create();


Now my problem is how to write the pop method?

I think that there should be a for loop and it should be iterating through MultiMap.

The lowest key should be the highest priority, so in C++ I would set a pointer to the first element and increment it. How to do it in Java?

+1  A: 

If I'm understanding correctly that you're using Multimap as the internals for your own PriorityQueue class, rather than just trying to use Multimap as a priority queue, then you should probably keep a SortedSet (I'll call it sortedKeys) of all the keys. Then you can use multimap.get(sortedKeys.first()) to pop the first element.

By "keeping a SortedSet", I mean that each time you add something to your Multimap, add its key to a SortedSet. When you remove items from your Multimap, remove their keys from the SortedSet. The goal being that your SortedSet stays equal to Multimap.keySet(), but without the overhead of calling SortedSet.clear(); SortedSet.addAll(...) all the time.

The alternative is going to be creating a SortedSet each time which would be much slower. It may help you understand what I'm saying though:

public Collection<V> pop() {
    SortedSet keys = new TreeSet(multimap.keySet());
    return multimap.get(keys.first());
The problem is that i have to use MultiMap in this project :/
@Devel - edited to explain
jacobm's answer is simpler since the TreeMultimap already does all this for you. I'm not that familiar with google collections so I didn't realize they already had a class that did this.
Can SortedSet contain two or more same keys, as could happen in MultiMap?
Sets don't have "keys", they just have elements, and yes you can have duplicate elements.
+3  A: 

The HashMultimap you're using won't give you any help in efficiently selecting the lowest element. Instead use a TreeMultimap (also in Google Collections) which lets you specify an ordering and iterate through the items in the list in that order. For instance:

for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : multimap.entries()) {
  System.out.println("Item " + entry.getValue() + " has priority " + entry.getKey();

You'll notice that this always prints out entries in priority order, so to get the first-priority element you can just do multimap.entries().iterator().next() (assuming you know the map has at least one element).

See the TreeMultimap documentation for more information.

Thanks, that's usefull, but how to iterate through TreeMultiMap?
Use `multimap.entries()` and iterate through that using its `iterator()` method. I'll update the answer.
I think it would be last question: I can display the object by: `System.out.println(multimap.entries().iterator().next());` and now how to remove this first-priority element (like pop method usually does)?
Easiest way would be to just use `multimap.remove(key, value)`.
Thanks for your answers jacobm. I finally finished it.

Could you simply use the PriorityQueue class in the JDK?

With the TreeMultimap approach jacobm suggested, the following code is more concise.

Iterator<String> iterator = multimap.values().iterator();
String value =;
Jared Levy