



This is sort of a best practices question I suppose.

My initial window for my AIR application is loading an index.html page/view. This page will present the user with a initial view of the application. More importantly, this index view will also have some components on it to handle resizing\window moving (since I'm disabling systemChrome). Basically, the outer area of this view will be used to replace the system chrome with my own stuff.

What I am asking is how do I load different views as the user navigates through my application? I obviously want to keep some of the components setup by this page but change the 'inner' contents of the view as the user goes to different parts of the app.

I would hate to have different UI components all put into one HTML file and use some display tricks to hide\show content as needed.

Is frames the answer here? Or is there some other solution I am unaware of...