




We're developing a new site and we added some list drop downs. The client looked at it on his Dell running Windows 7 and IE8. Unfortunately, it's doing an odd stair stepper effect with the lists when they drop down instead of going straight down like they should. I don't know whats going on. Here's the site Love-Wise.

Thanks :)


The menus appear to be <li> elements, with display:block on them. There are <br>s between each one, though, which shouldn't be necessary. Have you tried taking out the <br>s between each menu entry, and giving the <ul> a fixed width?

Alex JL
I took over this project from somebody else, so I'm fixing a lot of their code, so I made those changes, unfortunately I'm on a mac so I can't reproduce these, if anyone can tell me if it's working now or not, that would be fantastic.
Patrick Gates
you should really look into getting a virtual machine running. VMware fusion is a great option. With such a large percentage of people using ie still, you need to be able to test in this environment.
What @jtmkrueger said; it's really a must anymore. And not only for IE, but I have found occasional (though more minor, admittedly) differences between the Mac and PC versions of Safari and Firefox.
Andrew Barber
I used to have one, but it died. I'm going to get a new computer soon and triple boot it, ubuntu, windows and mac
Patrick Gates
You may wish to buy a license for Windows and run it on your Mac in a VM or with Boot Camp. It's very difficult to debug IE CSS and JS issues without actually testing on each version. Once you have Windows, I recommend using the VHD images MS supplies to test on each version of IE.
Alex JL
I would suggest to check the page with [w3-validator](http://validator.w3.org/). 99 errors isn't the best base for working out the problem...