i found this "executed with no substitution back into the output" , but maybe my English wasn't too good , i cant really understand what it means. Can anyone help out?
Sometimes you will have to (or you want to) execute some ruby statements but not for output purpose.
like the following:
<% if @user.nil? %>
Hi, welcome!
<% else %>
Hi, <%= @user.name %>!
<% end %>
Of course this is just one use case, but sometimes you do need <% %>
2010-10-17 07:34:55
Code in <% %>
(without equal) is executed "with no substitution back into the output" means you want to execute code WITHOUT any output, like a loop and the best part is, it can be used with a non ruby code.
<% 3.times do %>
<h1>Hello world</h1>
This will give:
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<h1>Hello world</h1>
2010-10-17 07:35:57
ohh , thanks. So with = there must have to be an output!
2010-10-17 07:59:55
<% %>
Will execute Ruby code with no effect on the html page being rendered. The output will be thrown away.
<%= %>
Will execute Ruby code and insert the output of that code in place of the <%= %>
<% puts "almost" %> nothing to see here
would render as
nothing to see here
<%= puts "almost" %> nothing to see here
would render as
almost nothing to see here
Michelle Six
2010-10-17 07:37:32