



i found this "executed with no substitution back into the output" , but maybe my English wasn't too good , i cant really understand what it means. Can anyone help out?

+5  A: 

Sometimes you will have to (or you want to) execute some ruby statements but not for output purpose.

like the following:

<% if @user.nil? %>
  Hi, welcome!
<% else %>
  Hi, <%= %>!
<% end %>

Of course this is just one use case, but sometimes you do need <% %> :D

+1  A: 

Code in <% %>(without equal) is executed "with no substitution back into the output" means you want to execute code WITHOUT any output, like a loop and the best part is, it can be used with a non ruby code.

<% 3.times do %>

<h1>Hello world</h1>


This will give:

<h1>Hello world</h1>  
<h1>Hello world</h1>  
<h1>Hello world</h1>  
ohh , thanks. So with = there must have to be an output!
+1  A: 

<% %>

Will execute Ruby code with no effect on the html page being rendered. The output will be thrown away.

<%= %>

Will execute Ruby code and insert the output of that code in place of the <%= %>


<% puts "almost" %> nothing to see here 

would render as

nothing to see here


<%= puts "almost" %> nothing to see here

would render as

almost nothing to see here
Michelle Six