



I have this :

 p['record_id'] = 2;

The value returned from PHP method is like this -> "Just String"

In firebug, there is correct response value, "Just String", but in text input with ID #trcode it shows [object Object].

So, my question is: How to show the correct return value just like Firebug "Just String"?


.load() is for loading content into an element, it returns the jQuery object (for chaining), which is why you see the "[object Object]" string you do now.

Instead, what you want is to use $.get() and use the response, like this:

$.get('url_to_PHP_methode', function(str) {
Nick Craver
aahh thanks u nick, work now, GBU
Neutron Star
hi nick, if u don't mind i wanna ask to u again,hehe
Neutron Star
@Neutron - about?
Nick Craver
now the problem is, when I ubmit the form the value of text input #trcode is empty, I check in firebug when I call the function tht i made before is still empty, any suggestion nick ?
Neutron Star
@Neutron - AJAX operations take a bit of time to complete, so you can't do this and submit instantly, you'd need to submit *after* the `.val()` call in the callback function above. The `$.get()` method fires an AJAX request, and *when it comes back* the value gets populated. The reason is the server responding takes some time.
Nick Craver
nick, sorry for disturbing u, I found the problem, tnx brother work now, GBU
Neutron Star
@Neutron - welcome! be sure to accept answers to resolved questions via the check-mark beside the one that best helped :)
Nick Craver