I have two dimensional data with varying number of rows and columns and must display it to the user for editing. The format of the data itself is essentially described by a list of row and column descriptors with a header text for each row or column.
I derived a control from Grid that has two properties for the row and column descriptors and builds the gird rows and columns based on that information. It also subscribes list change events of the two descriptor collection to update itself if the user dynamically adds or removes rows or columns.
And here the problem occurs - when I try to modify the row or column definitions of the gird I get an exception telling that the collection is read-only. So I assume it is not possible to modify the definition after the grid has been created and shown once. Any ideas?
And just in the case it matters - everything is data bound. There is a (dynamic) collection of tables with each table containing its own (dynamic) row and column definitions and the data entered for each cell.