



Hey, trying to figure out a way to use a file I have to generate an SQL insert to a database. The file has many entries of the form:

100090 100090 bill smith 1998

That is,an id number, another id(not always the same), a full name and a year. These are all separated by a space.

Basically what i want to to is be able to get variables from these lines as I iterate through the file so that i can,for instance give the values on each line the names: id,id2,name,year. I then want to pass these to a database.So for each line id be able to do (in pseudo code)

INSERT INTO BLAH VALUES(id, id2,name , year)

This is in php, I noticed I haven't outlined that above, however i have also tried using grep in order to find the regex but cant find a way to paste the code: eg:"VALUES()" around the information from the file.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm kind of stuck on this one

+1  A: 

If you can rely on the file's structure (and don't need to do additional sanitation/checking), consider using LOAD DATA INFILE.

GUI tools like HeidiSQL come with great dialogs to build fully functional mySQL statements easily.

Alternatively, PHP has fgetcsv() to parse CSV files.

+1  A: 

Try something like this:

$fh = fopen('filename', 'r');
$values = array();
while(!feof($fh)) {
  //Read a line from the file
  $line = trim(fgets($fh));

  //Match the line against the specified format
  $fields = array();
  if(preg_match(':^(\d+) (\d+) (.+) (\d{4})$:', $line, $fields)) {
    //If it do match, create a VALUES() block
    //Don't forget to escape the string part
    $values[] = sprintf('VALUES(%d, %d, "%s", %d)',
      $fields[1], $fields[2], mysqli_real_escape_string($fields[3]), $fields[4]);

$all_values = implode(',', $values);
//Check out what's inside $all_values:
echo $all_values;

If the file is really big you'll have to do your SQL INSERTs inside the loop instead of saving them to the end, but for small files I think it's better to save all VALUEs to the end so we can do only one SQL query.

Emil Vikström
thanks, this worked perfectly, had some issues as my second value had a decimal point in the middle. Changed it a bit and it worked perfectly.thanks a lot

If all of your lines look like the one you posted, you can read the contents of the file into a string (see

Then use PHP split function to give you each piece of the query. (Looks like preg_split() as of PHP 5.3).

The array will look like this:

myData[0] = 10090
myData[1] = 10090
myData[2] = Bill Smith
myData[3] = 1998

.....And so on for each record

Then you can use a nifty loop to build your query.

for($i = 0, $i < (myData.length / 4); $i+4)
$query = 'INSERT INTO MyTABLE VALUES ($myData[$i],$myData[$i+1],$myData[$i+2],myData[$i+3])'

//Then execute the query

This will be better and faster than introducing a 3rd party tool.
