Hi, I update the html in a webView using loadData() followed by a reload(). I get the new data to display but the scroll of the page has not updated. I want to keep the view of the page at the bottom. I can wait a long time and it still doesn't update. Once I click the webView the scroll bars adjust and I can drag to the bottom of the page and see the new text.
Things I have tried: - multiple settings and calls in onPageFinished(). None worked because the getContentHeight() hasn't changed yet. I have also tried to scrollTo(100 + getContentHeight) and that doesn't work. - pageDown(true)
calling requestLayout() after reload()
browser.requestFocusFromTouch() - still no good, thinking i could simulate my click.
adding a few br tags. This worked a bit, but the number of br's has to equal the number of lines of new text. Since the number of new lines is not something that can be exactly determined based on orientation and screen variables it's not a good fix. Any ideas? TIA