



What are the advantages and dis­advantages of frameworks Lift, Play and Wicket? What characteristics are best or only supported by each?


+5  A: 

There are many threads that compares these web frameworks for Scala. See

Lift / Wicket here:

olle kullberg
You do not have to follow these links. Actually, Kevins answer saiz it all.
olle kullberg
These links were very helpful, especially the first. Thanks
No, please, *do* follow the links! My summary was very broad - there's a lot more to learn in the fine print. **I** certainly upvoted this answer.
Kevin Wright
+19  A: 


Lightweight Java-based framework, with Scala support available as an extra.

very good for rapid prototyping, fast-feedback-loop kind of work. Embeds the compiler, so you just edit source code in place and pages get immediately updated. Learning curve is shallow.


Stateful Java-based framework, with Scala support available as an extra.

Shallower learning curve into Scala, especially if you already have wicket experience. Good separation of concerns, POJO-based model. Arguably one of the best Java web frameworks currently available.


Stateful native-Scala framework. Deep Scala integration, so no need to generate bean setter/getter methods or worry about interop between Java/Scala collections. Fully embraces functional-programming concepts, such as immutability and closures.

Also the steepest learning-curve of the three. One common piece of advice is therefore to learn the Scala language before getting started with Lift, especially if you come from a Java background.


There are also other Scala-based frameworks available (such as Scalatra and Pinky) for web development, though not as well-known as Lift. It wouldn't hurt to check these out as well!

For more information, see this question:

Kevin Wright
Clear as crystal, as always when coming from you @Kevin
olle kullberg
Hey, thanks! But you do know this'll probably send me on some sort of ego-trip right?
Kevin Wright
Thanks @Kevin for the reply, very useful and complete.
Wicket is actually a stateful framework.
@eelco: You can tell which one I haven't used then? I've updated the answer
Kevin Wright