I’m after a bit of feedback with regards to using SharePoint Designer in production environments (I’m talking SharePoint 2007 here). There seem to be conflicting views amongst the SharePoint community with some advocating the tool as a valid means of “power users” customising layouts and building workflows whilst others take the view that using SPD effectively means developing in a production environment and it shouldn’t happen, full stop.
This is a tool obviously targeted at the type of users who are not typically going to go through a full application lifecycle of dev / stage / prod, particularly when they’re only looking to change a colour or insert a banner on a page. I hear the “don’t develop in production” message loud and clear but if that’s the case, where does it leave SPD? Is there a practical risk from its direct usage in a production environment? Should it be blocked? If so, who’s the intended audience and is there any place left for it at all?