After much hard work, I found a very easy way to do this.
On Drupal Snippets, there is a snippet that lets you print out the taxonomy terms applied to each page as text.
The only problem is that the snippet will print any spaces or punctuation that are in the taxonmy term, which is no good for body classess.
However, by adding a str_replace command, you can strip out all the spaces and punctuation.
I'm sure there are other people who wants to print taxonmy terms as body classes, so to save them the bother, here is the code that I used with the str_replace command added.
Put the following in template.php:
function getTerm($label, $vid, $link) {
$node = node_load(array('nid'=>arg(1)));
foreach((array)$node->taxonomy as $term){
if ($term->vid == $vid){
if ($link){
$link_set[] = l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term));
} else {
$link_set[] = $term->name;
if (!empty($link_set)){
$label = ($label) ? "<strong>$label </strong>" : "";
$link_set = $label.implode(', ', $link_set);
$link_set = str_replace(' ', '_', $link_set);
$link_set = str_replace('&', 'and', $link_set);
$link_set = strtolower($link_set);
return $link_set;
Put the following in Page.tpl.php:
<body class="taxonomy-<? print getTerm(false, 1, false);?>">
I hope this helps anyone who has the same problem.
Extra tips:
(1)In the code I have posted, the only punctuation that is striped out is the ampersand (i.e. '&').
If you have other punctuation to strip out use the following:
$link_set = str_replace('INSET_PUNCTUATION_HERE', 'INSERT_REPLACEMENT_HERE', $link_set);
Place this command under the other $link_set lines in the code I have posted for template.php.
(2) In the page.tpl.php code I have posted, the "taxonomy-" part places the words taxonomy and a dash before each body class term. You can edit this as you wish to get the results your require.