what is the difference between using openTk and cloo for developing openCL applications?
The original plan was to have OpenTK provide low-level OpenCL bindings and develop Cloo as a higher-level, object-oriented wrapper around them. At some point, it became obvious that it would be more efficient (develpoment-wise) to spin off the low-level OpenCL bindings from OpenTK into Cloo.
To answer your question: use Cloo for OpenCL and use OpenTK for rendering. They are distinct, yet complementary, projects.
The Fiddler
2010-10-18 21:25:42
Thanks for the clarification. By installing openTK only, I can see openCL samples. So why is cloo better than openTK for openCL applications?
2010-10-19 03:23:44
OpenTK no longer offers OpenCL bindings. They have been moved to Cloo.
The Fiddler
2010-10-27 12:50:30