I have just developed a facebook application. Most of it works fine but the multi-friend-selector does not show up on internet explorer.
Although Firefox and Google Chrome working fine it does not appear on IE. Also there is not any error messages.
Here is my code for multi-friend-selector:
// Prepare the invitation text that all invited users will receive.
$content = "<fb:name uid=\"".$me."\" firstnameonly=\"true\" shownetwork=\"false\"/> <a href=\"http://apps.facebook.com/".$app_url."/\">".$app_name."</a> is cool bla bla. \n".
"<fb:req-choice url=\"".$app_base . $app_url."/index2.php?firs=fb{$me["id"]}\" label=\" ".$app_name." Invite your friends!\"/>";
<fb:serverFbml style="width: 760px;" width="760px">
<script type="text/fbml">
<fb:fbml width="760px">
action="http://facebookAppUrl/<? echo $invite_href; ?>"
type="<? echo $app_name; ?>"
content="<? echo htmlentities($content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?>">
actiontext="<? echo $app_name; ?>' invite your friends!"
exclude_ids="<? echo $friends; ?>"
style='width: 760px'
I have just checked all relevant posts in developer forums of facebook but no luck. I am not able to figure out whats wrong.