




Hi there,

I need to display a pretty image of a map of Europe, and I want my app to, e.g. bring up a different activity, when the user clicks each country - each country on the map needs to have a different onClickListener (or equivalent).

Essentially, I need to be able to call a different function when the user taps on France rather than Spain in an image such as this: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blank_map_of_Europe_cropped.svg

How would I best go about this on Android?

I've got ideas, but there may be some simple way that I'm overlooking.

Many thanks in advance!

Cheers, r3mo


I'm also very interested on this question, and couldn't find that much information around. Simplest way seems to be using an ImageView and define a onClickListener, but then you need to specify the coords within the listener..

in this post: http://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners/browse_thread/thread/c344619ed4317445?pli=1

someone asked a similar question. suggested approaches include MotionEvent, OnTouchListener and onClickListener, but I'm not sure which one to use.

I would like to have something similar to an html map area... something that apparently doesn't exist in Android's API.


