I am new to Java and I am creating an application in JSF and Hibernate.
I have a form which has several input fields but only one field that will be an Integer, Age. The rest of them will be Strings. Age is not a required field so the user can enter it or not but my application should insert null or an empty string into the DB if the field is left blank. I have done error handling if a user manually enters a character other than an number but I want to allow the user to enter nothing and still be able to submit so I allow for an empty string. This is where my problem is. My createUser method that calls a Insert statement on my DB requires an Int, so I figured I could pas NULL and this would work but I am getting a null pointer excpetion when I set the field to null. A snapshot of my code is below.
I have left out all of the other code and just simplified it with just inserting a new user by passing Age.
//inside UserManager.java file
public void createUser(ActionEvent event) {
String age = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("createAge");
try {
//check to make sure that it is not empty
Integer ageInt = null;
if(!age.equals("") ) {
ageInt = new Integer(age).intValue();
catch(Exception e) {
//inside UserDao.java file
public void createUser(Integer age) {
Session sess = getSessionFactory().openSession();
try {
Query.insertUser = session.createSQLQuery("CALL inser_user(:age)");
insertUser.setInteger("age", age);
catch(HibernateException e) {
throw new HibernateException(e);
} finally {