I'm a bit rubbish with Regex and was wondering if some kind person would be happy to assist!
The format is:
optionally 1, 2 , A or B
Day Name, possibly short or full, eg Mon, Tuesday, Thursday, Fr
Colon : or Space
The following are valid: EDIT: included "Mon:20"
Mon:3, Tuesday:6, AWe:9, 2Fr:2, 2Wed 3, Friday 6, Mon:20
The following is not valid:
3Mon:1, Mon3, 3:Wed
I would presume for the day name, we can just check for A-Z,a-z starting with Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su ending with a colon or use piping and specify every possibility ie Mo|Mon|Monday|Tu|Tue|Tues|Tuesday, etc.
Thanks ever so much