




I want to remove a frame from my interface when a specific button is clicked.

This is the invoked callback function

def removeMyself(self):
    del self

However, it doesn't remove itself. I'm probably just deleting the object in python without updating the interface ?



self.itemFrame = tk.Frame(parent)
self.itemFrame.pack(expand=False, side=tk.TOP)

removeB = tk.Button(self.itemFrame, text="Remove", width=10, command=self.removeIsosurface)

def removeIsosurface(self):

Error message:

AttributeError: Frame instance has no attribute 'Destroy'

wont this help : self.destroy()

chk this out : PY cookbook the last para

@jknair my widget is a Frame, it says that it doesn't have any attribute destroy

del does not delete anything. del something just removes something from the local scope. And although if something was the only reference to an object, it may allow the object it to be garbage collected in the future, don't even think of using del to delete objects!!! And since self is just a normal variables, del self does nothing, except of course stopping the rest of the method from accessing the instance (so at the end of the method, it's actually like pass).

The exact way to remove a widget from the GUI depends on what geometry manager you use. If you used .grid(), you can use .grid_forget(). Note that this still doesn't destroy the widget - quite the contrary, you can go on and .grid() it again! - but that doesn't make any difference.

@delnan ok thanks, but I didn't use grid. My widget is a Frame. How can I delete frames ?
@Patrick: I know you use a Frame - I'm talking about the geometry manager. I.e. did you call `the_frame.grid(some, options)` in order to show the widget?
@delnan No, again, I didn't call grid. I've added the code to my question
+2  A: 

To remove, call either frm.pack_forget() or frm.grid_forget() depending on whether the frame was packed or grided.

Then call frm.destroy() if you aren't going to use it again, or hold onto the reference and repack or regrid when you want to show it again.

Steven Rumbalski
@Steven Rumbalski Finally, pack_forget make it disappear! I still have an issue with destroy method. I get the error message you see in the question
`destroy` is all lower case. Error message shows that you used upper case.
Steven Rumbalski
Steven Rumbalski I got the same error with lowercase "destroy()". Actually the code is working with just pack_forget. But I need destroy to clean the memory I guess..
Hmm... Could you paste your error message again?
Steven Rumbalski
@Steven Rumbalski Sorry, my fault. It works now

Let's say you're making a class. You have to do a couple of things special here:

  • The frame you want to destroy has to be an instance variable
  • You have to write a callback (which you did)

So, here's how a basic prototype would look.

from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Button, Label

class GUI:

    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root # root is a passed Tk object
        self.button = Button(self.root, text="Push me", command=self.removethis)
        self.frame = Frame(self.root)
        self.label = Label(self.frame, text="I'll be destroyed soon!")

    def removethis(self):

root = Tk()
window = GUI(root)

Happy hunting!

Rafe Kettler
@Rafe Kettler This is exactly what I have, but I still get the error "frame has not attribute Destroy()". I've updated my question with the code
And you put the whole GUI in a class? Also, what version of Python are you using?
Rafe Kettler
@Rafe Kettler Yes, it is in a class. I'm using Python 2.6.1
That's strange. This script runs fine for me in Python 2.7. Not sure what's going on on your end.
Rafe Kettler