



Hello all, I have worked quite a bit with jQuery and slidetoggle effects without coming across this bug before. The page is, and the bug is when a user clicks the "What's This?" tag at the top of the page in IE7. Also, when one clicks the "Contribute Yours" link (right hand column, bottom-ish of white box) to open the comment form.

The slideToggle effect is pushing some content down, but not others, and the element being turned from display: none to display:block flickers and then disappears. There are elements with "float" inside the container being shown/hidden, but I use a clearfix to help give the container height.

I thought this was a z-index issue, so I found some jQuery that looped through the whole DOM and manually gave every DIV a z-index, but that did not help. I also played with position:relative on some elements but that didn't help either. I was using CSS3 PIE to render some CSS3 effects, but have since turned that off in order to narrow down the field of possible bugs.

So far, I'm stumped. Any insight would be appreciated. My main stylesheet is at:


I also have a stylesheet in that directory for ie.css and reset.css


Right... that's the development server. Well, the site has been soft-launched, so, yeah... here is the public URL:

J. Hogue
Please edit your question and alter the URL within, rather than adding a redundant answer :-)
Rich, yeah... I realized I messed up as soon as I clicked submit. I can edit this answer but not delete it, so, I guess I'll have to leave that mistake out there for the world to see.
J. Hogue

You want to add the following line to your css, in your clearfix class:

clear: both;

Because in IE7 the clearer has found some space next to the floats. And a block-level element will just be in that space, unless you use a clear:both; which makes the block element go down untill there are no floats next to it.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

Also, make sure you are using a correct doctype (this can solve a lot off cross-browser bugs). You can find those doctypes at the w3c doctype page.

Justus Romijn
Thanks, I will certainly give that a shot. I used the clearfix code from HTML5boilterplate, and also the HTML 5 doctype. I guess I am getting ahead of myself (and IE7) by doing that. I thought it was worth noting in case other people have encountered similar issues and have used that set of code templates.
J. Hogue
Justus, thanks for the advice, but I have implemented to no avail. A new doctype (and some fixes so the doc is more compliant) as well as some CSS rules for a better .clearfix class in ie7, and same problem. I am going to strip the page of any code throwing WC3 validator errors and see where I get.
J. Hogue
That is always a good idea. If I check the page in IE7 now, the box shows correctly. But the animation is still buggy. You might also want to add "clear:both" to your wrapper class?
Justus Romijn
Yeah... I tried that, no luck. Thing is, the layout always looked fine in IE Tester (running on a XP machine) but the animation is what is wrong. I'll try a few more things while I am in there.
J. Hogue