
Read More Feature with JQuery slideToggle Method

Hi, Everyone, I am trying to do read more feature with JQuery's slideToggle thing but the problem is as read more feature normally there is a little text shown on the page and when the user clicks on read more link,button etc. the panel slides downwards and shows the rest of the text but with slideToggle I can't see any start point or s...

jQuery Drop Down Menu - slideToggle

jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ $('.cats_showall').click(function(){ $('.cats_dropdown li').slideToggle(); }); }); CSS .cats_dropdown li{ display: none; } .cats_dropdown > li:first-child{ display: list-item; } HTML <ul class="cats_dropdown"> <li>Category 1 - <a href="#" class="cats_showall">Show all</a></li> ...

JQuery slideToggle display type

I'm using a jQuery slideToggle to show a hidden table row but it sets the display style to block and I need to to display table-row. any ideas how i could accomplish this? thanks in advance ...

jQuery slideToggle doesn't work with colspan in Firefox?

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#description').show(); $('#extender').click(function() { $('#description').slideToggle("fast"); }); }); </script> <tr> <td>cell1</td> <td><a href="#" id="extender">link</a></td> </tr> <tr id="description"> <td colspan="2" class="desc...

Incorrect Toggling (jQuery)

I've a simple menu on my page, that uses this jquery code for basic toggling: $("#left-nav .block h3").click(function(){ $(this).next("ul").slideToggle("fast"); $(this).toggleClass("active"); $(this).siblings("h3").removeClass("active"); }); The UL is open (display:block via CSS) by default, so on first click, the UL hides (whic...

slideToggle Callback Function

// accordion $("#left-nav .block h2").click(function(){ $(this).next("div").slideToggle("fast", function() { alert("hey"); $("#left-nav, #content, #aside").equalHeight(); }) .siblings("div:visible").slideUp("fast"); $(this).toggleClass("active"); $(this).siblings("h2").removeClass("active...

How to scroll to an element after expanding with slideToggle?

scrollTo is not scrolling to a div that expands past the bottom of the page... any suggestions? (jQuery 1.3, scrollTo 1.42) function toggleCollapsible(ownerDiv) {".Collapsible").slideToggle("fast", $.scrollTo(ownerDiv, "slow")); } ...

SlideToggle within select form (menu) -- need IE compabibility

Hi all- I have a drop-down menu (select form) and I need for divs to be revealed when a user clicks on a certain option. Select One Air Service Ocean Service Domestic Service Air Service Options here Ocean Service Options here Domestic Service Options here It works fine when the pusher class isn't inside a select menu, but as so...

Jquery slideToggle IE problem

Hi everyone, i got my jquery slideToggle working for Firefox. Ok it's not perfect, because when it slides down the performance is somehow jumpy. I tried different workarounds, but noone helped that right. So first question is, what could cause this little jumpiness in my code. And then the bigger problem is the display in IE. IE6 and I...

jQuery slideToggle() Internet Explorer problem and jumpy animation

Hey yaa! I have a big problem with my jquery. I finally made it that my slidetoggle runs in firefox. The animation is a little bit jumpy in the end of the animation. I read a lot of workarounds, but somehow nothing helped me really. Perhaps anyone of you can rescue me out of this dilemma. The other bigger problem is that the hidden div...

Jquery - slideDown with existing height.

If i have a div with a class that sets the height 100px, and overflow:hidden (effectively a preview of it's contents), how can i incorporate the 'slideDown()' method to slide to the full height of the div? (i.e. remove the height restriction in the css class). ...

JQuery Slide Event and Div Height not changing as expected

I am working with JQuery and I'm trying to change the html of a div box when the child div slides in and out. My problem is that the code below isn't changing the html value of #menu_text. It only displays Hide Menu and is not detecting the real height as changed by slideToggle. $('#menu').click(function () { $('#menu_links').slideTo...

jQuery slideToggle flicker in Firefox

I have a specific situation with slideToggle that creates a flicker in Firefox. The situation was when the expanding element goes longer than the page and a vertical scrollbar appears in Firefox. If you scroll down to read all of the text in the expanding element and then click on the trigger to close the element, Firefox would flash ...

Jquery slideToggle problem in IE8 only using lists

Hello everyone, I am quite new to Jquery and for the first time tried to use slideToggle to create some dropdowns. A few of them are stacked on top of each other and when one is clicked, all others should collapse. I am sure my code isn't ideal since i'm just starting out, but everything works fine except in IE8. In IE8, the space bet...

jQuery height problems when using stop() in animation or slideUp/slideDown

Hey! I have a menu with hidden submenus. I'm animating the submenu to open when I mouse-over a menuitem, and close when I mouse-out. This causes problems when the user mouses over a lot of menuitems, as all the animations get queued. To fix the queuing problem, I added a stop() before the animation. This caused an even worse problem...

jQuery Toggle Cookie Support

I'm trying to implement the jQuery Cookie plugin into my slide toggle script, but so far haven't been successful. Here's my code (without any cookie implementation): jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $('a.toggle').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('name'); $('#module' + id).slideToggle('fast'); $('a.toggle[name=...

Need to scroll to bottom of a slideToggle when the animation is complete

I am using a slideToggle to display or hide contents of a discussion box. The problem is the discussion box is at the bottom of the page so when it expands through the slideToggle I need it to scroll down to the bottom of the page so the user actually sees the discussion box expanded. Here is my code: var content = $('#discussion_co...

jQuery click function and slideToggle problem, help please?

Howdy folks, My problem is that when a user clicks on the <h4> it opens the hidden <div> below it. That's great - works as expected. However when a user clicks back on the same <h4> - it closes the <div> and reopens it instantly. I need the <div> to stay closed. I also need the remaining functionality to stay in place. This is my jQ...

Jquery Slidetoggle open 1 div and close another

I'm trying to close one div when clicking on another div . Currently, it opens multiple divs at one time. JQUERY: $(document).ready(function() { $(".dropdown dt a").click(function() { var dropID = $(this).closest("dl").attr("id"); $("#"+dropID+" dd ul").slideToggle(200); return false; }); $(".drop...

jquery toggle multiple divs turning one on and the rest off

Greetings, I'm trying to think of a way to use an accordion widget (which I'm currently using, h3 is the trigger) that when an h3 is selected another div appears, then when a different h3 is selected, a new div appears and the other disappears and so on. so I have a three column layout, left column is my accordion widget, when the...