
JQuery - SlideToggle Multiple DIVs at the same time?

I'm new at JQuery and I have a bit of an OCD issue. I'm using SlideToggle with click function to hide/show a container div. However the div inside of it doesn't slide with it, it just appears. Is there a way I can get both DIV's to slide in together? JQUERY: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#store_cont...

slideToggle issue in jQuery

Hi, I have a table in which there will be thousands of records(div elements). Each div is click able and when I click on each record, a div which is hidden under the clicked div will be shown using slideToggle. Since the number of records are very high the effect of slideToggle is not the desired one. It just shows up the div instead o...

jQuery clean slideToggle for many elements at once

I am using a slideToggle technique to show and hide 100+ DIVs full of information in my application. I have "Show All" and "Hide All" buttons and I'd like for them to have the slideToggle animation as well (instead of just showing and hiding all). However on IE6, the slideToggle runs really slow when being applied to each element. Does ...

jQuery, toggling div, CSS spacing issue

I have this markup: <div class="myToggledDiv"> <div>content</div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> content </div> Via jQuery, I'm doing a .slideToggle to show/hide the top div. I'd like there to be the 10px space between the two divs at all times, whether collapsed or expanded. The behavior, however is that as the to...

jquery slide toggle divs without creating multiple classes, functions, etc... ui accordion

Greetings, based on the jquery ui accordion I'm using, I have added a slide toggle to my accordion list items. so what happens is I click on an li and a div slides down underneath to reveal more content. The issue I'm having is that I find myself having to create multiple id's to reference the slidetoggle. example of the div i...

jquery slideToggle acting more like blind. help?

I'm trying to get my sliding div working properly with slideToggle. First off, here is the working url: The problem I am having with it is I am getting more of a blind effect rather than a slide down effect. I've tried changing the CSS and using negative top margin etc. to no avail. What I am trying to acco...

slideToggle height is "jumping"

Hi guys! My jQuery slideToggle() experiment Can anybody tell me why my boxes "jump" when i open them? The first half they slide, the rest they "jump"?? Thanks, Johannes ...

slideUp is choppy - but slideDown and slideToggle are fine - no styles applied

I have a div that looks good when animated with slideToggle, and slideDown, but slideUp looks bad. By bad I mean that while the boundaries of the div change smoothly, the words inside the div shift position and disappear quickly one by one. Highlighting the div in Chrome Developer Tools/Firebug, it appears something is reducing the w...

jquery show hide issue with non block elements

I am trying to show/hide a users twitter feed when the icon is clicked on. The issue is that my markup looks like this: <a href="#"><img src='images/twitter.png' id='twitterImg' /></a> <span id='twitter_msg'><? include('PHP/twitterJSON.php'); ?></span> And my jquery uses the slideToggle() $('#twitterImg').click(function() { $('#twitt...

How to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery?

Hello, As I summarized at topic I want to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery. To be able to understand what I am saying, please visit Worldlines You will see there the topics related with some news. When somebody clicked on a topic the news div will slide-down below clicked topic and previously read ...

jquery slideToggle strange effect.

Hi all, This is an example of code I have created to explain the situation. It works well but when it toggle to hide the tbody, it does a estrange effect (first expands the tbody by three or four times more than it is and then it collapses straigh away, and when it slide down it will also do it straigh away). When slide down it is not a...

jQuery Smooth Sliding DIV Height

I have a Div that is 400px in height with the ID "content", I then do a slideToggle on the Div, load some data into the Div of a varying height e.g. 200px, and then do another slideToggle. What I get is the slide expanding to 400px, then jump back to 200px. And the same in reverse, expanding to 200px, then jump to 400px. This is my code...

jQuery slideToggle stay open on hover

I have a div that I have bound the jQuery hover event to activate a slideDown using slideToggle: <div class="Square"> <div class="RedSquare"></div> <div class="GraySquare"></div> </div> $("div.RedSquare").hover( function() { $(this).siblings("div.GraySquare").slideToggle("fast"); }, function() { ...

Jquery slideToggle problem

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#toggle").toggle( function(){ $("#box1").slideToggle(800,function(){ $("#box2").slideToggle(); }); }, function(){ ...

jquery slideToggle() and unknown height?

Hello! Im using jquery 1.3.2 and this is the code: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ jQuery(function(){ jQuery('.news_bullet a.show_preview').click(function() { jQuery(this).siblings('div').slideToggle('slow'); return false; }).toggle( function() { jQuery...

Why does this jquery slideToggle code not work?

I am trying to alter the button text for a expand/collapse button. Basically, a user clicks "Collapse" and I perform a slideToggle and when the slideToggle is done, I change the button text to "Expand" and vice-versa. The following code works great however if you click the expand/collapse button rapidly, it looses its mind and shows "E...

JQuery slideToggle replace image src

Hi, This function is called when an up/down arrow is clicked to slide hidden div. If the div is hidden, the arrow points down and changes to up when the div is shown. If the div is shown, the arrow points up to hide div and changes to down when the div is closed. I just wanted to know if there was a more efficient way of doing this or...

Trying to dynamically expand different divs with one function

I'm trying to be able to dynamically expand / collapse multiple divs with the same code.... it's controlled with the click of a span (toggle) and then i'm trying to get the next id(the div that would slide up and down) $('span').toggle( function() { $('#albumholder').slideToggle(600); $(this).html('-');}, functi...

jQuery slideToggle jump on close

Hi, I'm trying to slideToggle a in a table with jQuery and it works in FF, OP, CHrome. Only IE (6,7,8) is giving me problems. It slides down perfectly down and up, but after the slide up animation is finished. The hidden pops up in full height and then closes. So I guess it must be somwhere inbetween when it switches from a minimal h...

Using Jquery slideToggle on large list of individual items

Hi All, I have a large nested list that I am trying to animate using jquery slideToggle. I want the individual nested lists (id="Nested" + counter) to animate separately, so that a user could toggle a list to display/hide without affecting the others. The animation would be triggered by the corresponding "trigger_Nested" (+ counter) lin...