



I'm looking for a Java equivalent to Content Construction Kit + contributed fields for Drupal. I'll settle for pretty much any view technology that can run on Tomcat.

The following features are important to me:

  • Specify form field types, Ids and labels
  • Arbitrary ordering of fields
  • Specify form URL and method
  • Validation according to field types / regex
  • Easily write code to create new field types

The data will be used more for querying than for display - think more "event registration form" than "blog post".

Disclaimer: I'm kind of sure that nothing like this exists. I'd like to confirm that I'm right so that I can tell my boss to hire some PHP developers.


Well, any CMS worth its salt nowadays provides some kind of Custom Content Types. So I'm guessing capable Java CMSes such as Alfresco would provide the same. Here is a interesting link about custom content type definition in Alfresco.

I haven't used Alfresco so I don't know if it fulfils all your conditions above or even provides a UI based method of creating custom content types.

Here is an extensive manual on custom content types in alfresco

Sid NoParrots