Hi Guys, Say I have a string like John01Lima
is there any way to pull out the two numbers and have them as numbers that can be incremented with $number++ ?
Hi Guys, Say I have a string like John01Lima
is there any way to pull out the two numbers and have them as numbers that can be incremented with $number++ ?
If your format will always be 'YYYYMMDD00.pdf' I would do this little function:
function increment_filename($incoming_string)
// The RegEx to Match
$pattern = "/[0-9]{2}(?=\.pdf$)/i";
// Find where it matches
preg_match($pattern, $incoming_string, $matches);
// Replace and return the match incremented
return preg_replace($pattern, $matches[0] + 1, $incoming_string);
If you need it to match any file extension, this should work:
function increment_filename($incoming_string)
// The RegEx to Match
$pattern = "/[0-9]{2}(?=\.[a-z]+$)/i";
// Find where it matches
preg_match($pattern, $incoming_string, $matches);
// Replace and return the match incremented
return preg_replace($pattern, $matches[0] + 1, $incoming_string);
Hope that helps, was awesome practice to hone my RegEx skills. :)