I'm using the following approach to handle a FIFO queue based on Google App Engine db.Model (see this question).
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import run_wsgi_app
class QueueItem(db.Model):
created = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now_add=True)
data = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
def push(data):
"""Add a new queue item."""
return QueueItem(data=data).put()
def pop():
"""Pop the oldest item off the queue."""
def _tx_pop(candidate_key):
# Try and grab the candidate key for ourselves. This will fail if
# another task beat us to it.
task = QueueItem.get(candidate_key)
if task:
return task
# Grab some tasks and try getting them until we find one that hasn't been
# taken by someone else ahead of us
while True:
candidate_keys = QueueItem.all(keys_only=True).order('created').fetch(10)
if not candidate_keys:
# No tasks in queue
return None
for candidate_key in candidate_keys:
task = db.run_in_transaction(_tx_pop, candidate_key)
if task:
return task
This queue works as expected (very good).
Right now my code has a method that access this FIFO queue invoked by a deferred queue:
def deferred_worker():
data= QueueItem.pop()
I would like to enhance this method and the queue data structure adding a client_ID parameter representing a specific client that needs to access its own Queue. Something like:
def deferred_worker(client_ID):
data= QueueItem_of_this_client_ID.pop() # I need to implement this
How could I code the Queue to be client_ID aware?
- The number of clients is dynamic and not predefined
- Taskqueue is not an option (1. ten max queues 2. I would like to have full control on my queue)
Do you know how could I add this behaviour using the new Namespaces api (Remember that I'm not calling the db.Model from a webapp.RequestHandler)?
Another option: I could add a client_ID db.StringProperty
to the QueueItem using it has a filter on pull method:
Any better idea?