



I have a dropdown list that is populated on a content page like this

<%: Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedName, Model.NameList)  %>
<input name="btnGo" type="submit" value="GO"  />

When the user selects the name and click the GO button, I have an HTTP Action that gives me the name

public ActionResult SelectName(string SelectedName)

Now I want to take that name and set a lable on the master with the SelectedName in MVC2 how is this accomplished?

+1  A: 

Remember, this is not Web Forms. :)

In other words, you can't do this in the Controller action:

someLabel.Text = "foo"

Your best bet would be to put the text you want in the ViewData:

public ActionResult SelectName(string SelectedName)
   ViewData["SelectedText"] = "some text";
   return View();

And then set the Label to that in your Master View:

<span><%: ViewData["SelectedText"] %></span>
correct, there is no control hierarchy as we're used to in WebForms
@BurningIce -that's a good thing. :) I am also glad to say goodbye to the the need to control different events in the page lifecycle.
@rpm i would say everything has advantages and disadvantages. i personally like webforms and the control hierarchy, but i've seen way too many programmers who don't get it and misuse it and then MVC would probably be better for them.
@BurningIce - could not agree more. Those programmers who misuse it most likely come from the WinForms background, and hence forget to adhere to REST/HTTP principles.
Thank you everyone. I will try this. I'm new to MVC.
@Garen - no problems. Don't forget to tick this as the correct answer if it helped.
I'll do that. I had to use session to persist data instead of the ViewData, but overall it worked.