I need to retrieve the ID of the AUTO_INCREMENT value of the last query.
My query looks like this:
$result = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "
INSERT INTO $table_name
( name, season, copyright, description, path )
VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )",
$galleryData['name'], $galleryData['season'], $galleryData['copyright'], $galleryData['description'], $galleryData['path'] ) );
// Let's output the last autogenerated ID.
echo $wpdb->insert_id;
// This returns the same result
echo mysql_insert_id();
Looking at my DB table, I see rows counting from 1 to 24 (24 rows).
But using $wpdb->insert_id
or mysql_insert_id()
returns 241
Doing new inserts will return 251, 261, 271 and so on. Why do I et the extra '1' at the end?
Thanks to Pekka (I'd better stad running a tab on the number of beers I owe him), I figured it out.
Further down the code I got this:
_e("[DB error] Ups. Something went wrong when trying to insert the event.");
echo true;
It's the last statement (echo true) that is outputed!