



This is exactly the same case as this one, but with Hg instead of SVN. I have MercurialEclipse installed, and I have changed the password of my remote repo. Now when I synch it fails.

I have not found any conf file in "C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data..." about Hg. I have deleted the .keyring eclipse file and restarted but still fails.

Eclipse 3.6.1 with MercurialEclipse1.6, on windows Vista

In reply to pyfunc (thanks):

I found an entry like this in .hg\hgrc: [paths] default = https://user:[email protected]/myprojectpath

so I changed to the new password and restarted eclipse, but still I get 'authorization failed'...


Typically that is stored in .hgrc file. That is the user configuration file stores in the HOME directory. You should be able to change the password there.

As per the man page of Mercurial, there are some suggestions about the location of config file on windows.

 1. <install-dir>\Mercurial.ini
 3. C:\Mercurial\Mercurial.ini
 4. %HOME%\Mercurial.ini or 
 5. %HOME%\.hgrc or 
 6. %USERPROFILE%\Mercurial.ini or
 7. %USERPROFILE%\.hgrc

it could also lie in /.hg/hgrc

replied in the question as I needed more space than I have here, thanks. Also Roger Pate was right about the location, but not sure why it's not working yet...
@raticulin: Delete the .hgrc and this will force the plugin to ask for those information.