




I'm looking to create a Pop-up Agree/Deny User License Agreement when people visit any page on my website. Using Magento, if it helps at all.

What I'm looking for:

  • Never pop-up's again after user clicks Accept (To prevent pop-up everytime user clicks a link.)
  • Visitor cannot access website until clicking Accept.
  • If visitor clicks Deny, it sends them off-site. (Ex.
  • Must display as an overlay, not as a Home Page.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks.


Which technology you use depends on your environment, requirements and how secure you want it to be. If you use javascript someone can get around it. If you use PHP they wouldn't be able to. With either technology you would be setting a cookie when they accept the agreement. When a page is requested you display the agreement if the cookie isn't yet set.

Plaudit Design - Web Design
Thanks for your response! Would you know of any pre-made PHP scripts that would allow the use of User License Agreement?
If not, Javascript is fine. Just looking for a overlay popup that darkens the page and makes everything unclickable until they accept the agreement.
Sorry I don't know of anything premade. Its a very simple. Look at how to use cookies in php. (The hardest part is to make the php cooking checking code is ran on every page request. Not knowing if you have a php framework in place, the easiest thing would be to call the same method at the top of all pages' php code.)
Plaudit Design - Web Design