We have a user provided string that may contain unicode characters, and we want the robot to type that string.
How do you convert a string into keyCodes that the robot will use?
How do you do it so it is also java version independant (1.3 -> 1.6)?
What we have working for "ascii" chars is
//char c = nextChar();
//char c = 'a'; // this works, and so does 'A'
char c = 'á'; // this doesn't, and neither does 'Ă'
Robot robot = new Robot();
KeyStroke key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("pressed " + Character.toUpperCase(c) );
if( null != key ) {
// should only have to worry about case with standard characters
if (Character.isUpperCase(c))
if (Character.isUpperCase(c))