



My question is about two answers to another question:

I am trying to understand if there's really a difference between what the two answers do, and if so, what's the pros and cons of each.

Question: how to use a class method as a default parameter to a method in the same class.

Answer 1: use a function instead of a class method

class X:
    def default_func(x):
        return True

    def test(self, func = default_func):
        return func(self)

Answer 2: use a class method, but convert it to a function

def unstaticmethod(static):
    return static.__get__(None, object)

class X:
    def default_func(x):
        return True

    def test(self, func = unstaticmethod(default_func)):
        return func(self)

This was originally written in Python 2, but my summary is (hopefully) Python 3.