What you need is a recursive function that iterates over the tree that represents a file system. It means to iterate over all the childs of some 'parent folder'. I send you a function that does something similar, to the one you need (this is currently in usage). This function deletes all the empty folders given a parent folder.
Public Function gf_DeleteEmptyFolder(path As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim fso_folder As Scripting.Folder, sub_folder As Scripting.Folder
If g_FSO.FolderExists(path) Then
Set fso_folder = g_FSO.GetFolder(path)
'-- eliminates de folder only if is empty
If 0 = fso_folder.Files.Count And 0 = fso_folder.SubFolders.Count Then
Call g_FSO.DeleteFolder(path, False)
'-- recursively calls the function
For Each sub_folder In fso_folder.SubFolders
Call gf_DeleteEmptyFolder(sub_folder.path)
End If
End If
gf_DeleteEmptyFolder = True
Exit Function
'~~~ on error
gf_DeleteEmptyFolder = False
End Function
If your files are stored in a simple folder, then you can use the following code to iterate each file.
Public Sub fsoProcessFilesInFolder(sFolder As String)
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject, fld As Scripting.Folder, fil As Scripting.File
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set fld = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
For Each fil In fld.Files
'--- add code to process your files
Next fil
End Sub