



I'm searching for a tool that let me generate a flow chart for a given project. It is difficult understand others code by looking at code, a flow chart can be very helpful.

My Project is in VS 2010 Professional Edition.

+1  A: 

The Visual Studio Learning pack has a flowchart generator, but unfortunately, it only works with the 2008 editions.

What you probably actually want are called Sequence Diagrams. They are built into VS2010.

You just right click inside a method and select “Generate the sequence diagram” from the pop up menu. sequence diagrams

Paul McMillan
I did not find Sequence diagram in professional edition, I think it is in Ultimate edition.
Yes, it is in the UE, not Professional. In the future, it would be helpful if you specified which version you are using.
Paul McMillan

Take a look at Visual Studio Power Tools. It may have something for helping you to generate Sequence Diagram/Activity Diagram or so called "flow chart".


ReSharper has a Call Tracking feature that can display incoming and outgoing calls sequenced in an interactive, graphical tree view.

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It also has a similar feature for Value Tracking that displays data flows.

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Ray Vega

Get yourself Visual Paradigm for UML - it's great and is free for 30 days and you can check if it what you're looking for and decide for yourself. I bet it will suits you.

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