
Code flow visualization software - C#

Is there any tool, free or commercial, that can generate flow visualization graphs for a c# method? It should be able to deal with decision points (maybe represent them as vertices) and with sequential code fragments (maybe represent them as edges). I know there are similar C/C++ and Java related questions, but I'm interested in C#. ...

Exception Handling and Program Logic

We all know that using Exception Handling to control your program's logical flow is bad. That is, you would never do: public void someMethod(Object someObject) { try { someObject.doSomething(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { //handle Null case } } over public void someMethod(Object someObject) { ...

Need help to draw control-flow graph with GLEE and C#

Hi, I am trying to draw a control-flow graph(CFG) from source code using the GLEE graph library and C# language. Problem is, I am new to GLEE. I need a tutorial or sample programs/projects to help me get started quickly with GLEE. The source for which I need to draw a CFG has the following structure: begin myProcedure statement 1; ...

"if" versus "switch"

Possible Duplicate: is else if faster than switch() case ? I've encountered a lot of situations lately where I have very simple conditionals and need to branch application flow. The "simplest" means of accomplishing what I'm doing is just a plain old if/elseif statement: if($value == "foo") { // ... } elseif($value == "ba...

Would you write this code the same way using OOP PHP ?

Hello everyone, I'm trying to go oop with one of my scripts. It's a contact script which deals with encodings when sending an email through jQuery's ajax function. I wanted to make the user able to use the same script with two forms in the same page and making it an easy job. Now I've made a prototype of how it's going to be rewritte...

Flow chart generator from source files

I'm searching for a tool that let me generate a flow chart for a given project. It is difficult understand others code by looking at code, a flow chart can be very helpful. My Project is in VS 2010 Professional Edition. ...