



I want to redirect some urls with id = n to id = n + 1000 (where n is a variable). After searching on the internet I found out that I can do this using a prg type RewriteMap directive.

However, I ran into some trouble getting it to work. The code I am using to test using a custom RewriteMap is included below.

This is my file that I'm using as the map program:

$| = 1; # Turn off buffering
while (<STDIN>) {
    print $_;

I've defined the RewriteMap in my virtualhost.conf file:

RewriteMap prp prg:/var/www/

And this is the RewriteRule where I'm using my custom map:

RewriteRule ^Pro-id-([0-9]+).html${prp:$1}.html [L,R=301]

What I expect this code ( to do is to return the same id, but it returns null. What is the problem?