I am having what I think must be a concurrency problem. I am using passenger, rails 2.3.5, mongoid 1.9.2, and mongo ruby driver 1.0.9. I am using jQuery to request data that is pulled from MongoDB and then rendered in the browser. Everything is working great until I started to make two such requests at the same time. In the model these are the methods that get executed by the requests:
Class Visit
include Mongoid::Document
def self.cancellations_and_visits_by_therapist_graph(clinic_id)
visits = collection.group("function(x){ return { resource_id : x.resource_id } }",
{:clinic_id => clinic_id, :visit_date => { "$gte" => Time.now - 6.months, "$lte" => Time.now}},
{:visits => 0, :cancel_no_shows => 0},
'function(obj, count) {
if (obj.visit_status == "NO SHOW" || obj.visits_status == "CANCELLED") {
count.cancel_no_shows += 1;
} else {
count.visits += 1;
visits = visits.group_by {|g| g['resource_id']}
Resource.any_in(:mysql_id => visits.keys).order_by([:last_name, :asc]).order_by([:first_name, :asc]).inject({ 'visits' => [], 'cancel_no_shows' => [], 'xlabels' => []}) do |formatted_visits, resource|
formatted_visits['visits'] << visits[resource.mysql_id.to_f].first['visits']
formatted_visits['cancel_no_shows'] << visits[resource.mysql_id.to_f].first['cancel_no_shows']
formatted_visits['xlabels'] << resource.last_name + ", " + resource.first_name
def self.total_visits_for_graph(practice_id)
visits = collection.group("function(x) { return { clinic_id : x.clinic_id } }",
{:practice_id => practice_id, :visit_status => 'COMPLETE', :visit_date => { "$gte" => Time.now - 6.months, "$lte" => Time.now}},
{:visits => 0}, "function(obj, count) { count.visits += 1; }")
visits = visits.group_by {|g| g['clinic_id']}
Clinic.any_in(:mysql_id => visits.keys).order_by([:name, :asc]).inject({ 'data' => [], 'xlabels' => []}) do |formatted_visits, clinic|
formatted_visits['data'] << visits[clinic.mysql_id.to_f].first['visits']
formatted_visits['xlabels'] << clinic.name
The best way to describe the problem is that results from Mongo are getting passed to the wrong object. I lookated an example of this:
This was returned when I called CLinic.any_in (it is a result from one of the groups):
{"group"=>{"$keyf"=>"function(x){ return { resource_id : x.resource_id } }", "cond"=>{:clinic_id=>101, :visit_date=>{"$gte"=>Tue Apr 20 15:34:37 +0800 2010, "$lte"=>Wed Oct 20 15:34:37 +0800 2010}}, "ns"=>"visits", "initial"=>{:visits=>0, :cancel_no_shows=>0}, "$reduce"=>"function(obj, count) {\n if (obj.visit_status == \"NO SHOW\" || obj.visits_status == \"CANCELLED\") {\n count.cancel_no_shows += 1;\n } else {\n count.visits += 1;\n }\n\n }"}}
This (a clinic object) was returned by the collection.group call:
{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4cb7d72b3bc5457800ce2e6f'), "name"=>"Corona", "practice_id"=>39, "mysql_id"=>101}
As with all good concurancy problems the results are randome, sometimes it works fine and sometimes it blows up. I am new to mongo and mongoid so I am actually not sure if this a problem with mongoid or the mongo driver, however I think it is related to Mongoid. I am including my initializer that I am using to load Mongoid in rails. Any ideas or even just additional debugging ideas are greatly appreciate.
mongoid_conf = YAML::load_file(Rails.root.join('config/mongoid.yml'))[Rails.env]
Mongoid.configure do |config|
config.master = Mongo::Connection.new(mongoid_conf['host'], 27017, :pool_size => 5, :timeout => 5).db(mongoid_conf['database'])