




I need to loop backwards and make a list of all calendar dates in 2009 and 2010 that fall on Monday - Thursday of each week and record them as a map of day-month-year strings mapped to a day of the week:

"19-10-2010", "Tuesday"
"4-10-2010", "Monday"

Is there a library in Java that would help with this or can it be done with just the standard library?

+2  A: 

Use a Calendar:

  • Set YEAR to 2009
  • Set DAY_OF_YEAR to 1
  • Iterate over all days in year 2009, 2010 checking for Mon-Thu.


Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

// Start in 1 Jan 2009
cal.set(YEAR, 2009);
cal.set(DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);

// Iterate while in 2009 or 2010
while (cal.get(YEAR) <= 2010)
    int dow = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK);
    if (dow >= Calendar.MONDAY && dow <= Calendar.THURSDAY))
        // add to your map
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);


It is trivial to optimize this so that you don't need to iterate over Fri, Sat, Sun: Just add 4 days whenever you see a Thursday, 1 otherwise:

while (cal.get(YEAR) <= 2010)
    int dow = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK);
    if (dow >= Calendar.MONDAY && dow <= Calendar.THURSDAY))
        // add to your map
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, (dow == Calendar.THURSDAY)? 4 : 1);
you can add 4 days after thrusday to get next monday . rather iterating one by one
I know but I decided to make the code clearer instead of faster.
+1 rest of the chars

You don't need a map at all. Just create a method, that should return a day string if its a weekday, otherwise null or empty string. You just need to pass the date to the method.

Something like this,

private static final Calendar CAL = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
private static final Map<Integer, String> DAY_MAP =
        new HashMap<Integer, String>() {
                put(2, "Monday");
                put(3, "Tuesday");
                put(4, "Wednesday");
                put(5, "Thursday");

public String getDay(Date date) {
    int day = CAL.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    int year = CAL.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    return isMonToThurDay(day) && isValidYear(year) ? DAY_MAP.get(day) : "";

private boolean isMonToThurDay(int day) {
    return day > 1 && day < 6;

private boolean isValidYear(int year) {
    return year == 2009 || year == 2010;

Or may be just play around with this.

Adeel Ansari

You can make use of guava's computing map.By doing so you need not generate all the date's and their day of week and keep in memory.

    ConcurrentMap<String, String> m = new MapMaker()
            .makeComputingMap(new Function<String, String>() {
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                SimpleDateFormat formatDay = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
                SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
                final String notApplicable = "NA";

                public String apply(String arg0) {

                    try {
                    } catch (ParseException e) {
                    int dow = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK);
                    int year=cal.get(YEAR);
                        return notApplicable;
                    if (dow >= Calendar.MONDAY && dow <= Calendar.THURSDAY) {
                        return formatDay.format(cal.getTime());
                    return notApplicable;

To get the day of week you can do:
