




Possible Duplicates:
Python - Parse String to Float or Int
How can I convert a string to an int in Python?

The output I'm getting for my little example app is the following:

Welcome to the Calculator!
Please choose what you'd like to do:
0: Addition
1: Subtraction
2: Multiplication
3: Division
4: Quit Application
Enter your first number: 1
Enter your second number: 1
Your result is:

This is because the addition() method is taking the input() as strings and not numbers. How can I use them as numbers?

Here is my entire script:

def addition(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtraction(a, b):
    return a - b

def multiplication(a, b):
    return a * b

def division(a, b):
    return a / b

keepProgramRunning = True

print "Welcome to the Calculator!"

while keepProgramRunning:    
    print "Please choose what you'd like to do:"

    print "0: Addition"
    print "1: Subtraction"
    print "2: Multiplication"
    print "3: Division"
    print "4: Quit Application"

    #Capture the menu choice.
    choice = raw_input()    

    if choice == "0":
        numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")
        numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")
        print "Your result is:"
        print addition(numberA, numberB)
    elif choice == "1":
        numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")
        numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")
        print "Your result is:"
        print subtraction(numberA, numberB)
    elif choice == "2":
        numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")
        numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")
        print "Your result is:"
        print multiplication(numberA, numberB)
    elif choice == "3":
        numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")
        numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")
        print "Your result is:"
        print division(numberA, numberB)
    elif choice == "4":
        print "Bye!"
        keepProgramRunning = False
        print "Please choose a valid option."
        print "\n"
+4  A: 

Use int(your_string).

+1 Awesome answer!!! From your buddy over on the duplicate thread. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3979077/how-can-i-convert-a-string-to-an-int-in-python