I'm creating a class which will contain a list of IP addresses, as Net::IP objects.
I've wrapped the Net::IP object as a subtype (IPAddress), and defined a coercion from a string to IPAddress. Then I've added an attribute to the class called ip_list with the type ArrayRef[IPAddress], and delegated to the push method of the Array trait.
use MooseX::Declare;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Net::IP;
subtype 'IPAddress'
=> as 'Object'
=> where { $_->isa('Net::IP') };
coerce 'IPAddress'
=> from 'Str'
=> via { Net::IP->new( $_ ) };
class IPs {
has 'ip_list' => ( traits => ['Array'],
isa => 'ArrayRef[IPAddress]',
is => 'rw',
coerce => 1,
auto_deref => 1,
default => sub { [] },
handles => {
add_ip => 'push'
However if I try to call the delegated method like so:
my $o = IPs->new();
$o->add_ip( '' );
I get the error "Value SCALAR(0x8017e8) did not pass container type constraint 'IPAddress' at ..."
So obviously the parameter to add_ip is not being coerced.
Is it possible to do what I'm attempting, or should I just do all this manually? I've trawled through the Moose manuals but I've not seen anything that would indicate either way, but I am probably missing something.