I know that this is not the place where to ask such a place. but please anyone helps me!!!
I'm in Tunisia, I'm a web developer, and I'm not in the right place. The problem is that I want to host my websites in the US or Canada and I don't have any solution as my country prohibits payment outside Tunisia.
I want a Debit Card provider like Payoneer or NETELLER but both are not what I want as Payoneer obliges you to load your card from one of its partners (for me it's oDesk) and NETELLER don't provide services for US and Canada.
Will I have to host my websites and applications in Tunisia? where a dedicated server costs 999 TND per month (10 to 12 times the salary of many jobs in Tunisia). This plan specifications are:
Haute disponibilité, garantie de satisfaction et plus...
Espace disque de 2.5 Go
9 comptes Email
1 Nom de domaine gratuit
Frontpage, ASP, PHP4, phpMyAdmin
Base de données
That's the best here without even telling what processor or how much RAM!!!!!! And the funny thing is that the disc space is 2.5 GB!! what kind of hard drive is that to be 2.5 GB? even a USB flash drive exceeds this too much. and the database as an option I don't Know how in a dedicated server they provide with a database, as you know, if it's your dedicated server you have the right do do whatever legal you want to do. Here is the link http://www.hexabyte.tn/home.php to verify yourself
and look at this: http://www.gnet.tn/hebergement/hebergement-dedie/id-menu-966.html their server will cost me 3000 TND (5 times the salary of my father a month)
Linux ou Windows
100 adresses emails incluses
Nombre de site web hébergé : illimité
MAJ illimitée par accès FTP (MAJ means Mise a Jour, UPDATE!!!)
Base de donnée illimitée
please notice that there is one unlimited database
And much more like some who don't even find what they tell you about characteristics so they tell HTML and xHTML
And in the other hand you don't have the right to pay for hosting outside tunisia as there are no International Cards except for big import/export business owners.
So what will you do in my place? so please help I just want a good International Debit Card provider that provides cards for tunisian residents ans There are many worldwide but every one provides cards only for the residents of the country he is located.