I think I already know the answer, but is there a way to get sharepoint to display code snippets in a pre-formatted way? Currently it just looks like text and anything would be better than nothing. Thanks.
No because MOSS's wiki is just a new page with the word "wiki" attached to the link.
2008-12-31 21:27:48
Not that I'm aware of if you're specifically using the Wiki feature. Your wiki entries are stored like rows in a table as far as I know. If you're not using the wiki you can use the syntax highlighter tool. It's all javascript. http://code.google.com/p/syntaxhighlighter/
2008-12-31 21:40:18
For several weeks we are using Telerik Rad Editor
One of the tools is "Format Code Block" You may see it here : http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/Editor/Examples/Default/DefaultCS.aspx
If you install the RadEditor for MOSS .. we will get this amazing tool in Wiki pages too.
2009-01-08 22:51:00