




I am trying to run the program nbtstat.exe(located in c:\windows\system32) from a ruby script. The problem is that it appears that Windows 7(64-bit) is hiding the program from the ruby script(it works fine in Vista).

For example,

Nbtstat command: "nbtstat"
Dir command: dir "C:\Windows\System32\n*.exe"

If I run the nbtstat command in just the command line, nbtstat will run fine. If I then run the dir command, nbtstat.exe will show up in the list of files in that directory.

However, if I run the nbtstat command from the ruby script(using backticks, system, %x or Kernel.open), it will not succeed. If I then run the dir command(also from the ruby script), it will show a list of files in the directory minus nbtstat.exe and a few others.

UAC is turned off and it is being ran from an administrator. I tried this in both ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.2.

I created a .bat file that runs the nbtstat command and it worked fine but if I call the .bat file from the ruby script it will fail.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


Maybe the shell in which your ruby script is launched was created before the PATH is initialized. I noticed this issue in Windows 7. You can try to print PATH in your script to verify if you are encountering this issue.

I tried this but it wasn't the issue. The PATH variable appears to be initialized properly.
+1  A: 

On Win64, if you run a 32-bit process, Windows will remap the c:\windows\system32 directory to actually point to c:\windows\syswow64. That directory doesn't contain the binary you're looking for, so your 32-bit process doesn't see it.

You can detect whether that's the case by looking at the process's environment (look at the output of "set" for the env variables), although I don't know of a way to make the process see the actual 64-bit directory.
