
Trying look for a folder in the component called "tables". Find the correct file, it should be called "lancer", in there that defines the table variables for the table you want and add the new variables you wish to display - e.g.

var $website = null;

Then you will be able to use, as you said, $row->website.

The clue you are looking for in the model function is this line:

$row =& JTable::getInstance('lancer','Table');

I hope that solves your problem! Good luck!

Thanks Martin. There is no ‘Lancer’ file anywhere though. The code below is from the start of tplancer.php file – could this lead me in the right direction? jimport('joomla.application.helper');require_once (JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_tplancer'.DS.'helper.php');require_once( JApplicationHelper::getPath( 'html' ) );JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_tplancer'.DS.'tables');
Sorry Martin, you were spot on. The ‘lancer’ file was in the ‘tables’ folder but was hiding from me in the components admin folder. I didn’t think to check in that. Thanks for your help, you’re an absolute lifesaver!
Sure no problem. Accepting my answer would be good though :)